DImgConv Help

DImgConv v1.4.0 by Matt Tropiano (using DoomStruct v2.17.0)
Usage: dimgconv [--help | -h | --version]
                [source] [switches]

    --help              Prints help and exits.

    --version           Prints version, and exits.

    --changelog         Prints the changelog, and exits.

    --gui               Starts the GUI version of this program.

    The source file or directory to read from.

    --output [path]     Sets the output path for converted files. Can be
    -o [path]           a single file, a directory, or a WAD file to add
                        entries to.

    --palette [path]    Sets the path to the source of target palette to use
    -p [path]           for conversion (Doom format). Can be a file or a
                        WAD. If WAD, it looks for the "PLAYPAL" lump.

    --recursive         If the [source] is a directory, this scans directories
    -r                  recursively.

    --mode-palettes     Assumes that the incoming file or files are, by
    -mp                 default, palettes, unless overridden by a metainfo

    --mode-colormaps    Assumes that the incoming file or files are, by
    -mc                 default, colormaps, unless overridden by a metainfo

    --mode-flats        Assumes that the incoming file or files are, by
    -mf                 default, flats, unless overridden by a metainfo

    --infofile [name]   Sets the name of the metainfo file found in each
    -i [name]           directory that specifies the mode for specific
                        files. Default is "dimgconv.txt"

    --verbose           Prints verbose output.


Palettes are expected to be images where the x-axis describes the colors in a
palette and the y-axis is the palette index.


Colormaps are expected to be images where the x-axis describes the colors in a
colomap to match against a palette to create the resulting map data and the
y-axis is the colormap index.

Stuff like TRANMAPs and TINTTABs are also COLORMAPs.


Graphics, if they are PNGs, can contain the custom 'grAb' chunks for default

The MetaInfo Files

The meta info files consist of plain text lines of the following:

    [name] [mode] [x-offset] [y-offset]

    The name of the file in this directory (no extension). Can be "*" for the
    default fallback.

    One of four modes: "palette", "colormap", "graphic" or "flat".

    (Optional) If mode is "graphic", specify an x-offset to set.

    (Optional) If mode is "graphic", specify a y-offset to set.

Lines that are blank and lines that begin with a "#" are ignored.

Example line for "everything in this directory is a flat":

    * flat

Example lines for "GRAYTALL is a graphic but everything else is a flat":

    graytall graphic
    * flat

Graphics with specific offsets:

    m_skull graphic 0 12
    m_doom graphic 30 -24


### Changed for 1.4.0

* `Fixed` Palette index 255 was considered for color matching. This is incorrect on patches/graphics (but correct on flats).

### Changed for 1.3.2

* `Changed` Patches are not split at the first 128 pixels anymore.

### Changed for 1.3.1

* `Fixed` Tall patches not being exported/converted correctly.

### Changed for 1.3.0

* `Fixed` The recursive option now creates recursive directories properly. (Issue #100)
* `Fixed` [GUI] Some blank fields would NPE on workspace export.

### Changed for 1.2.0

* `Added` The GUI version of DImgConv.

### Changed for 1.1.0

* `Fixed` DImgConv would crash if no palette was provided but "palettes" default mode was set and a metadata file tried to change the mode for a file.

### Changed for 1.0.1

* `Fixed` DImgConv did not properly rename files to ".lmp" on convert if both source and destination were directories. (Issue #39)

### Changed for 1.0.0

* Initial Release.