This utility is a doozy - it employs a sophisticated scripting language called RookScript (made by yours truly) with some function extensions for manipulating WAD data! It's SO FLEXIBLE! There are even functions for doing byte-by-byte reading and streaming in case you want to do something not covered in the built-in functions! WHOA!
Check this! Open a WAD and print its entry list:
entry main(args) { if (args[0] === null) { return error("NoWAD", "No WAD specified."); } check (err) { wad = wadfile(args[0]); each (i, e : wad->waditerate()) { println(i + ": " + + ", " + e.size + " bytes, at offset " + e.offset); } } close(wad); if (err != null) { return err; } }
Then you just run the script with:
wadscript filenameOfScript.wscript file.wad
NOTE: The arguments after the script file are passed in via that args variable, so "file.wad" is readable from args[0].
Or if you're using Bash, you can just slap #!/usr/bin/env wadscript into the first line and flag the script as executable! Wow! (You can even do a similar thing with WadMerge scripts)
Built-in function documentation for WadScript is included in the release archives, or you can type:
wadscript --function-help
...and send the output to a file or what-have-you. To get it in HTML format, use --function-help-html. A quick guide to RookScript is here (and included in the utilities): rookscript-guide.html
You also get the regular RookScript utility without the Doom extensions for FREE!
rookscript [scriptfile]
Usage: wadscript [filename] [switches | scriptargs] [--help | -h | --version | --changelog] [--function-help] [--disassemble] [filename] [filename]: The script filename. [switches]: --help, -h Prints this help. --version Prints the version of this utility. --gui Starts the GUI version of this program. --function-help Prints all available function usages. --function-help-markdown Prints all available function usages in Markdown format. --function-help-html Prints all available function usages in HTML format. --function-help-html-div Prints all available function usages in HTML format, but just the content. --disassemble Prints the disassembly for this script and exits. --entry-list Prints the list of entry point names for this script and exits. --entry [name], -e [name] Use a different entry point named [name]. Default: "main" --charset [name], -c [name] Use a specific charset encoding, [name], instead of the system default. It is assumed that the rest of the included files are encoded this way, as well. Default: windows-1252 --runaway-limit [num] Sets the runaway limit (in operations) before the soft protection on infinite loops triggers. 0 is no limit. Default: 0 --activation-depth [num] Sets the activation depth to [num]. Default: 256 --stack-depth [num] Sets the stack value depth to [num]. Default: 2048 -- All tokens after this one are interpreted literally as args for the script. Normally, all unrecognized switches become arguments to the script. This forces the alternate interpretation. --X Bash script special: [DEPRECATED] First argument after this is the script file, and every argument after are args to pass to the script. Scopes ------ All scripts can access a scope called `global` that serves as a common variable scope for sharing values outside of functions or for data that you would want to initialize once.
### Changed for 1.7.0 * `Fixed` Updated Preprocessor - some directives were not ignored on false code blocks when they should have been. ### Changed for 1.6.2 * `Fixed` [GUI] Editor would error out on workspace load with no files open. ### Changed for 1.6.1 * `Changed` [GUI-Executor] The working directory form field will not auto-fill unless it is blank. ### Changed for 1.6.0 * `Added` A directory tree for the GUI. ### Changed for 1.5.0 * `Fixed` The `--entry` switch didn't parse the command line properly after its use. * `Added` The WadScript GUI, plus a switch to start it (`--gui`). * `Added` A `--charset` switch for specifying the encoding of the script files (if not system default). ### Changed for 1.4.0 * `Added` A switch for printing the entry points for a script. ### Changed for 1.3.1 * `Changed` Improved HTML documentation output. ### Changed for 1.3.0 * `Added` A switch for dumping documentation as HTML. (Enhancement #45) ### Changed for 1.2.2 * `Changed` WadScript will now dump a stacktrace if a script host function produces an unhandled exception. ### Changed for 1.2.1 * `Fixed` WADSETTYPE() did not accept two parameters, as described. ### Changed for 1.2.0 * `Added` All scripts can now make use of a global scope called `global`. ### Changed for * `Added` Clarifications to documentation that PKE files are also openable like PK3s. ### Changed for 1.1.0 * `Added` Functions: WADSETTYPE for setting the WAD type. ### Changed for 1.0.2 * `Added` Made it easier to interface with from other tools. ### Changed for 1.0.1 * `Fixed` Markdown documentation output. ### Changed for 1.0.0 * Initial Release.