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RAILING - Static variable in interface
Linedef flag: Line is a jump-over railing.
randBoolean(Random) - Static method in class net.mtrop.doom.util.MathUtils
Returns a random boolean.
randDouble(Random) - Static method in class net.mtrop.doom.util.MathUtils
randDoubleN(Random) - Static method in class net.mtrop.doom.util.MathUtils
Returns a random double value from -1 to 1 (inclusive).
RangeUtils - Class in net.mtrop.doom.util
Holds a series of helpful methods for testing data integrity for Doom map data export.
read(int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class
Reads and creates a new Flat from an InputStream implementation.
read(Class<BO>, File) - Static method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Creates a single object of a specific class from from a File.
read(Class<BO>, File, int) - Static method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Creates an amount of objects of a specific class from a File.
read(Class<BO>, InputStream) - Static method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Creates a single object of a specific class from from an InputStream.
read(Class<BO>, InputStream, int) - Static method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Creates an amount of objects of a specific class from an InputStream.
read(Class<TO>, Reader) - Static method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.TextObject
Creates a single object of a specific class from from an InputStream.
read24BitInt(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a 24-bit integer.
readBoolean(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads a byte as a boolean value.
readBooleanArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of boolean values.
readByte(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a single byte.
readByteArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads a byte array in from the reader.
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.demo.Demo
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Reads from an InputStream and sets this object's fields.
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.sound.DMXSound
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.sound.MUS
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Animated.Entry
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Animated
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.DoomTextureList
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.DoomTextureList.Texture.Patch
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.DoomTextureList.Texture
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.PatchNames
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.StrifeTextureList
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.StrifeTextureList.Texture.Patch
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.StrifeTextureList.Texture
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Switches.Entry
readBytes(InputStream) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Switches
readBytes(InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class
Reads a series of bytes from the bound stream into a byte array until end of stream is reached or the array is filled with bytes.
readBytes(InputStream, byte[], int) - Method in class
Reads a series of bytes from the bound stream into a byte array until end of stream is reached or maxlen bytes have been read.
readBytes(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specified amount of bytes, returned as an array.
readChar() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.Lexer
Reads a character from the stream.
readChar() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
Reads the next character.
readChar(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a character.
readCharArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of characters.
readChars(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specific amount of characters.
readData(InputStream) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from an InputStream.
readData(InputStream, UDMFParserListener) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from an InputStream.
readData(Reader) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from a Reader.
readData(Reader, UDMFParserListener) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from a Reader.
readData(String) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from a String.
readData(String, UDMFParserListener) - Static method in class
Reads UDMF-formatted data into a UDMFTable from a String.
readDouble(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a 64-bit float.
readDoubleArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array 64-bit floats.
readDoubles(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specified amount of 64-bit floats.
ReaderStack() - Constructor for class net.mtrop.doom.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
Creates a new empty ReaderStack.
ReaderStack(String, Reader) - Constructor for class net.mtrop.doom.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
Creates a new ReaderStack.
readFile(File) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject
Reads from a File and sets this object's fields.
readFile(File) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.TextObject
Reads from a File and sets this object's fields.
readFile(File, Charset) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.TextObject
Reads from a File and sets this object's fields.
readFloat(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a 32-bit float.
readFloatArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array 32-bit floats.
readFloats(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specified amount of 32-bit floats.
readFor(InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class
Reads a bunch of bytes and checks to see if a set of bytes match completely with the input byte string.
readInt(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an integer.
readIntArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of integers.
readInts(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specified amount of integers.
readLong(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a long value.
readLongArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of long values.
readLongs(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in an amount of long values specified by the user.
readPCMBytes(byte[]) - Method in class
Reads a bunch of decoded bytes into the byte array.
readShort(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a short.
readShortArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of shorts.
readShorts(InputStream, int) - Method in class
Reads in a specified amount of shorts.
readString(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads a char array and returns it as a String.
readString(InputStream, int, String) - Method in class
Reads a byte vector of specific length and returns it as a String in a particular encoding.
readString(InputStream, int, Charset) - Method in class
Reads a byte vector of specific length and returns it as a String in a particular encoding.
readString(InputStream, String) - Method in class
Reads a byte vector (an int followed by a series of bytes) and returns it as a String in a particular encoding.
readString(InputStream, Charset) - Method in class
Reads a byte vector (an int followed by a series of bytes) and returns it as a String in a particular encoding.
readStringArray(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in an array of strings.
readText(Reader) - Method in class
readText(Reader) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.object.TextObject
Reads from an Reader and sets this object's fields.
readUnsignedByte(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a single byte, cast to a short to eliminate sign.
readUnsignedInt(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a integer, cast to a long, discarding sign.
readUnsignedShort(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads in a short, cast to an integer, discarding sign.
readVariableLengthInt(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads an integer from an input stream that is variable-length encoded.
readVariableLengthLong(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads a long from an input stream that is variable-length encoded.
Reflect() - Constructor for class net.mtrop.doom.object.BinaryObject.Reflect
Reflect() - Constructor for class net.mtrop.doom.object.TextObject.Reflect
refreshEntries() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.DoomPK3
Refreshes the entry lists, if ZIP contents changed.
Reject - Class in
Represents the Reject lump.
Reject(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new blank reject grid.
relay(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Reads from an input stream, reading in a consistent set of data and writing it to the output stream.
relay(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class
Reads from an input stream, reading in a consistent set of data and writing it to the output stream.
remove() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractVector.VectorIterator
remove(int, int, T) - Method in class
Dequeues an object at a particular grid coordinate.
remove(String) - Method in class
Removes a corresponding attribute by name.
remove(String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.CommonTextureList
Attempts to remove a texture entry by its name.
remove(String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.PatchNames
Attempts to remove an entry by its name.
remove(T) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractVector
Removes an object from the vector, if it exists in the vector.
remove(V) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.trie.AbstractTrie
Removes an object from this structure.
removeEntry(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Animated
Removes an Animated entry at a specific index.
removeEntry(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.Switches
Removes a switch entry at a specific index.
removeEntry(int) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Remove a Wad's entry (but not contents).
removeEntry(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadBuffer
removeEntry(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadFile
removeEntry(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadMap
removeEntry(K) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.trie.AbstractTrieMap
Removes a value from this map, corresponding to a key.
removeFirst(K) - Method in class
Removes a value from the beginning of a deque.
removeIndex(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractMappedVector
removeIndex(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractVector
Removes an object from an index in the vector and shifts everything after it down an index position.
removeIndex(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.CommonTextureList
Removes a texture entry at an index.
removeIndex(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.PatchNames
Removes an entry at an index.
removeIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class
Removes a linedef index to this blockmap.
removeLast(K) - Method in class
Removes a value from the end of a deque.
removePatch(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.CommonTexture
Removes a patch entry from this texture by index.
removePatch(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.TextureSet.Texture
Removes a patch at a particular index.
removeTexture(int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.TextureSet
Removes a texture at a particular index.
removeTextureByName(String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.texture.TextureSet
Removes a texture by name.
removeUsingKey(K) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractMappedVector
Removes an object in this mapping that corresponds to a particular key.
removeValue(K, V) - Method in class
Removes a value from a deque.
renameEntry(int, String) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Renames the entry at an index in the Wad.
renameEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadBuffer
renameEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadFile
renameEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadMap
REPEATABLE - Static variable in interface
Linedef flag: Line's special is repeatable (special is not cleared).
replace(int, T) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractVector
Sets an object at an index.
replaceEntry(int, byte[]) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Replaces the entry at an index in the Wad.
replaceEntry(int, byte[]) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadBuffer
replaceEntry(int, byte[]) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadFile
replaceEntry(int, byte[]) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.WadMap
replaceEntry(int, BO) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Replaces the entry at an index in the Wad.
replaceEntry(int, BO[]) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Replaces the entry at an index in the Wad.
replaceEntry(int, TO, Charset) - Method in interface net.mtrop.doom.Wad
Replaces the entry at an index in the Wad.
resample(DMXSound.InterpolationType, int) - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.sound.DMXSound
Gets a full copy of the contained audio resampled at a new sampling rate using an interpolation type
reset() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.demo.Demo
Resets the contents of this demo.
reset() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.sound.MUS.Sequencer
Resets this sequencer to the beginning.
reset() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.trie.AbstractTrie.TrieIterator
Resets this iterator.
reset() - Method in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.vector.AbstractVector.VectorIterator
Resets this iterator to the beginning.
restTics - Variable in class net.mtrop.doom.sound.MUS.Event
Time to rest in tics.
rightRect - Variable in class
This node's right bounding box coordinates.
rightSubsectorIndex - Variable in class
This node's right child index or subsector index.
root - Variable in class net.mtrop.doom.struct.trie.AbstractTrie
Root Node.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form