All Classes and Interfaces

This class contains the base for all data structures that make use of a contiguous memory structure.
A special type of vector that also as a one-to-one mapping of an object to an index.
A trie is a data structure that contains objects, using a path of objects derived from the stored value.
A single node in the Trie.
A result of a passive search on a trie.
Iterator for this Trie.
A trie is a data structure that maps an object to another object, using a path of objects derived from the key.
An abstract class for performing unsynchronized Vector (data structure) operatons and concepts.
This class represents the contents of a Boom Engine ANIMATED lump.
Flat entry for ANIMATED.
Enumeration of Animated Entry Texture types.
Common elements of all objects that are loaded from binary data.
A deserializing scanner iterator that returns the same object instance with its contents changed.
A deserializing scanner iterator that returns independent instances of objects.
Transformer interface for transform calls.
Representation of the Blockmap lump for a map.
Linedef flag constants for Doom/Boom/MBF/SMMU.
Thing flag constants for Boom things.
This contains the BSP tree information for a single 28-byte node in the tree.
12-byte BSP Segment information for a BSP tree in Doom.
4-byte BSP Subsector information that lists all of the BSP segment indices for a sector.
BSP Tree Abstraction.
An implementation of a Trie that stores strings, case-insensitively.
This is a single entry that indexes the palette indices for color lookup.
Singular patch entry for a texture.
Common contents of texture definitions.
This is the lump that contains a collection of textures.
This is an implementation of the CRC32 algorithm, used for CRC checksumming of byte arrays and streams.
A mutable buffer of data.
This class is an abstract representation of a DEMO lump in Doom.
Demo tic abstraction.
This class holds digital sound information.
Doom/Boom 14-byte format implementation of Linedef.
Linedef flag constants for Doom/Heretic.
Doom map in Doom Format.
Doom PK3 file.
Doom/Boom 26-byte format implementation of Sector.
Doom/Boom 30-byte format implementation of a Sidedef.
This is the lump that contains a collection of Doom-formatted textures.
This class represents a single texture entry in a TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2 lump.
Singular patch entry for a texture.
Doom/Boom/MBF 10-byte format implementation of Thing.
Thing flag constants for Doom/Heretic.
The 4-byte representation of a vertex.
Abstraction of the ENDOOM and other similarly-formatted lumps for the Doom Engine.
Doom graphic data that has no header data for its dimensions/offsets.
Interface for graphic data.
Graphics utility methods for image types.
A hash map that stores deques of a particular type.
Hexen/ZDoom 16-byte format implementation of Linedef.
Linedef flag constants for Hexen.
Hexen map in ZDoom/Hexen Format.
Hexen 20-byte format implementation of Thing.
Thing flag constants for Hexen things.
Since 2.13.0 - made superfluous.
I/O utils.
Sound resource abstraction.
Breaks up a stream of characters into lexicographical tokens.
This is a info kernel that tells a Lexer how to interpret certain characters and identifiers.
Abstract parser class.
Thrown when a Parser has a problem.
This holds a series of Reader streams such that the stream on top is the current active stream.
Lexer token object.
This class provides a means for reading map data in a data- or implementation-agnostic way.
An exception thrown when Doom Map information is unavailable or malformed.
Enumeration of internal map format types.
Common elements of all map objects.
Map utility methods and functions.
Interface for looking into Doom maps.
Math utils.
Thing flag constants for MBF/SMMU.
Abstraction of MUS formatted music sequence data.
Controller Change event.
Individual events.
Note play event.
Note release event.
Pitch wheel event.
Score ending event.
A listener for the player.
System event.
Name utility methods.
The palette that makes up the Doom Engine's color palette.
A list of names of available patch entries for texture composition.
Doom graphic data stored as column-major indices (patches and most graphics with baked-in offsets).
PNG Chunk data.
Represents PNG-formatted data as a decompressed image, preserving offset information (grAb).
Holds a series of helpful methods for testing data integrity for Doom map data export.
Represents the Reject lump.
Contains utility methods for serializing values.
Assists in endian reading from an input stream.
Assists in endian writing to an output stream.
Describes a class that contains an amount of discrete objects.
Sound utility methods for sound types.
This is a grid that contains a grid of Object data generally used for maps and lookups.
Ordered Pair integer object.
A sparse grid index that contains lists of objects.
Linedef flag constants for Strife.
This is the lump that contains a collection of Strife-formatted textures.
This class represents a single texture entry in a TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2 lump.
Singular patch entry for a texture.
Thing flag constants for Strife things.
An implementation of a Trie that stores strings mapped to values.
This class represents the contents of a Boom Engine SWITCHES lump.
Entry for Switches.
Enumeration of game types.
Common elements of all objects that are loaded from text data.
Transformer interface for transform calls.
An exception thrown when Doom texture information is unavailable or malformed.
A helper class for the TEXTUREx and PNAMES setup that Doom Texture definitions use.
Texture patch.
A class that represents a single composite Texture entry.
Graphics utility methods for image types.
A texture copying context for copying one or more textures to another Wad.
Text utilities and constants.
Contains linedef attributes for Doom namespaces.
Contains sector attributes for Doom namespaces.
Contains sidedef attributes for Doom namespaces.
Contains thing attributes for Doom namespaces.
Contains vertex attributes for Doom namespaces.
A parser listener that generates full UDMF tables.
Contains known global attributes.
Contains linedef attributes for Hexen namespaces.
Contains Hexen thing attributes on some UDMF structures.
A parser listener that listens for specific structure/object types, however, unlike UDMFTypeListener, this reuses the same UDMFObject per read.
A map that contains full UDMF map data.
Contains MBF thing attributes on some UDMF structures.
Main descriptor for all UDMF objects.
Contains common UDMF structure type names.
An exception thrown on UDMF parse errors.
A listener for each new parsed entry or field that gets parsed in a UDMF structure.
A method for reading UDMF data, element by element, in a push-oriented way, pushing events to a listener.
A mechanism for reading UDMF data, element by element, in a pull-oriented way.
A single scanned element from the scanner.
The element type returned on each element scanned.
Contains linedef attributes for Strife namespaces.
Contains thing attributes for Strife namespaces.
This holds a bunch of UDMFObjects for reading Doom information.
A parser listener that listens for specific structure/object types.
Writes UDMF data.
Contains linedef attributes for ZDoom namespaces.
Contains sector attributes for ZDoom namespaces.
Contains sidedef attributes for ZDoom namespaces.
Contains thing attributes for ZDoom namespaces.
Contains vertex attributes for ZDoom namespaces.
Base interface for all WAD file type implementations for reading and writing to WAD structures, either in memory or on disk.
Internal WAD type.
An implementation of Wad where any and all WAD information is manipulated in memory.
Abstraction of a single entry from a WAD.
An exception thrown when an operation on a WAD file would violate its structural integrity in some way.
The class that reads WadFile information and provides random access to Wad files.
This is just a basic mapping of WAD entries to a file.
WAD utility methods and functions.
A functional interface that describes a function that takes a Wad and returns void, without handling any exceptions thrown by it.
An accumulator for WadEntries.
A functional interface that describes a function that takes a Wad and returns data, without handling any exceptions thrown by it.
Linedef flag constants for ZDoom (Hexen format).
Thing flag constants for ZDoom things.